Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Rudy Guilliani's RNC Speech & NYC Protests

Due to my birthday yesterday and NYC protests this weekend, I’ve been absent from my blog more than I like, but I am back in full force! Last night after a splendid evening, I almost up-chucked my entire meal while listening to Rudy Guilliani’s RNC speech over the radio. I was livid when he said, “We owe it to the September 11th families to re-elect George W. Bush.” How can he smugly say this without being struck by lightning? I sometimes wonder where God is. S/he must be smelling flowers in the Mid-West or bowling over the Caribbean. Otherwise, wouldn’t s/he be here to smack the mouths of these corrupt and blatant liars? Of course, I digress on a theoretical, theocratic & absurd question. Let’s stick with the reasons why I am so perturbed over Guilliani’s statement:

First, I have a hard time believing Guilliani would speak on the behalf of George Bush when Guilliani is not a right wing extremist like Bush. He believes in Equality, Gay Rights & Pro-Choice. For goodness sake, he’s the former mayor of New York City, the most progressive city in the world. Upon his association with such a curmudgeon, he has tainted his political background.

Secondly, it is a proven fact that Bush has cut the salaries of the military, police and firefighters throughout the nation. The families of these HEROES that knowingly went through the two scorching towers are infuriated with Bush & Mayor Bloomberg regarding the decrease in salaries and massive lay-offs. The New York Times reported a decrease of a few thousand patrolling police officers since 2001, which is reversing the cleanup efforts Guilliani began in the 1990s. Bush & Guilliani are directly insulting New Yorkers’ intelligence if they think they can cover up this fact during the convention.

Thirdly, many victims’ families are displeased with Bush’s wayward guidance, financial relief, management and exploitation of the September 11th tragedy. Many of these families, now with broken homes, were promised financial relief, but have NOT received any of the monies owed to them. In fact, Bush and his administration have stopped the disbursements of money to fight the war on Iraq. Eighty percent (80%) of these families are still going through financial hardship. They are now questioning why we are at war with Iraq, especially when it has been PROVEN THERE IS NO LINK TO TERRORISM OR BIN LADEN. Iraq doesn’t even have weapons of mass destruction. We started a pre-emptive war with Iraq to divert attention from the fact the Bush has ties with the Bin Laden family and that we hadn’t found him 6 months later. Economics (for oil) and former political frustrations (Bush Sr.’s war on Iraq years earlier) also propelled this armament to war. Many New Yorkers, victims or not, question now if Bush knew about the 9/11 possibility.

In the “September 9/11 Commission Report” (which is a very good & healthy read), it directly states that Bush & his administration were given direct verbal & written information about these attacks. If he is considered so decisive and proactive- WHY DIDN’T HE DO ANYTHING ABOUT THEM THEN?? And he still hasn’t to this date. The majority of our troops and money is for Iraq.


He’s still the dumb childlike “president” sitting in his dunce stool in the Florida classroom, not knowing what to do. Sure, Guilliani. Play off that he motivated our rescue workers and gave non-partisan America a great big hug. What an accomplishment! I firmly believe ANYONE could have done that. In life under tragic or joyful times, leaders are not built off what they say, but what they do. And…no one, with a decent heart full of integrity, would screw our troops, rescue workers & their families’ right from behind their backs. This is the action I see and have beared to watch for 4 years. He’s simply a scoundrel for taking away September 11th funding and starting a war that absolutely has no connection to Terrorism.

I took place in the largest protest in convention history. This past weekend, over 400,000 people marched through the streets of New York to Madison Square Garden to protest this government. We marched peacefully. We were dignified and justified. We were divided into many groups, but united under one cause. Doesn’t this say much? And trust me, there were some very disenchanted and pissed off September 11th families. I have friends whose husbands or siblings are NYPD police officers. They informed me that many of these men & women were unhappy to cover the convention due to the disrespect & reception they’ve received from Bush and his administration. It is no wonder why so many Republicans, including my boyfriend, are refugees from their political parties and are now fighting on the side of justice and truth through the Democratic platform. I am annoyed that Guilliani, after his progressive policies, would campaign for a criminal and reckless (I hate to call him a man or even human)…subspecies.

I can only say one thing to Guilliani: You have lost my respect and your service to New York is forever tainted by your association with this loser. And he will lose…- Seeking truth & justice, Johanna

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Protest Information for This Weekend...

Hey you, NYC cats!...The rats are coming…get out your Paul Revere ponies and gallop through the city streets...

As you may know, I am incredibly fixated on this election. I BELIEVE, WE, THE LITTLE PEOPLE- CAN AND WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Come on out for this weekend's protests against the GOP convention. Visit my blog and activate your right to voice your dissention. It is an imperative time for our country. We can no longer allow such shame, embarrassment and corruption in our White House. We must do our part. Even the smallest discussion with family & friends can change the course of our nation.

Here are the details of this weekend's events:

March for Women's Lives:
Time: Sat August 28th at 1:00pm
Located: rally at City Hall Park in front of City Hall.
Website: http://www.ppnyc.org

United for Peace & Justice March:
Time: Sunday August 29th at 12:00pm
Located: 14th Street & 7th Avenue- a march to Madison Square Garden

Code Pink (for Women)
Time: Sunday August 29th at 10:00am
Located: Madison Sq. Park at 23rd Ave & 5th Ave- meeting up with UFPJ along the way
Website: http://www.codepinkalert.org

Million Billionaire March: Billionaires for Bush
Time: Sunday August 29th at 12:00pm
Located: Plaza Hotel at 59th Street & 5th Ave, march from hotel to Madison Sq. Garden (formal attire required)
Website: http://www.billionairesforbush.com/rnc

People for the American Way: The Line
Time: Wednesday Sept 1 at 8:13-8:31am
Located: Corner of Broadway & Wall Street, march to 31st & 7th Ave
Website: http://www.pfaw.org

A more refined listing will be added, shortly. www.in-perpetual-thought-jo.blogspot.com.

PLEASE JOIN ME FOR THIS PEACEFUL MARCH. I will be joining United for Peace & Justice on Sunday August 29th AT 12:00pm. If you would like to join me, please contact me via email at JoJoJVanders@cs.com or via cell 917.716.7277. If you have Kerry and/or Anti-Bush shirts, wear them proudly. (You can also purchase them in Union Sq).

Let's Unite!,
Johanna/ Janine

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Rock the Vote: The African American Voice

My friend Tommy sent me this great & insightful link into the African American vote. Celebrities, such as P Diddy, are urging the Black community to voice their opinions and definitely hit the voting booths. From Election 2000's disastrous voting miscounts and the government's oversight to Latino & Black votes, this year there will be strict vigilance across the nation at each voting venue. At least, Michael Moore will be filming the action in Florida!


When you have the chance to check it out, please visit the link above. Martin Luther King Jr. would be proud of his people taking a stance and activating their right to vote.- Johanna

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Iraqi Soccer Team Angered at Bush's Olympic/Political Ads

Today, Sports Illustrated reported on the Iraqi's soccer team's anger towards Bush's new olympic/political ads, indicating that Bush's war on Iraq freed the soccer team to victory. How low can he go? Read the article yourself and tell me if this is the man to lead our country...the hypocrisy is blatanly embarrassing. www.si.com
Here is a blurb provided below...

Iraqi soccer players angered by Bush campaign ads featuring team
Posted: Thursday August 19, 2004 12:50PM; Updated: Thursday August 19, 2004 1:28PM
Nick Laham/Getty Images
PATRAS, Greece --
Iraqi midfielder Salih Sadir scored a goal here on Wednesday night, setting off a rousing celebration among the 1,500 Iraqi soccer supporters at Pampeloponnisiako Stadium. Though Iraq -- the surprise team of the Olympics -- would lose to Morocco 2-1, it hardly mattered as the Iraqis won Group D with a 2-1 record and now face Australia in the quarterfinals on Sunday.
Afterward, Sadir had a message for U.S. president George W. Bush, who is using the Iraqi Olympic team in his latest re-election campaign advertisements. In those spots, the flags of Iraq and Afghanistan appear as a narrator says, "At this Olympics there will be two more free nations -- and two fewer terrorist regimes." "Iraq as a team does not want Mr. Bush to use us for the presidential campaign," Sadir told SI.com through a translator, speaking calmly and directly. "He can find another way to advertise himself."

Ahmed Manajid, who played as a midfielder on Wednesday, had an even stronger response when asked about Bush's TV advertisement. "How will he meet his god having slaughtered so many men and women?" Manajid told me. "He has committed so many crimes."

To a man, members of the Iraqi Olympic delegation say they are glad that former Olympic committee head Uday Hussein, who was responsible for the serial torture of Iraqi athletes and was killed four months after the U.S.-led coalition invaded Iraq in March 2003, is no longer in power.

But they also find it offensive that Bush is using their team for his own gain when they do not support his administration's actions in Iraq. "My problems are not with the American people," says Iraqi soccer coach Adnan Hamad. "They are with what America has done in Iraq: destroy everything. The American army has killed so many people in Iraq. What is freedom when I go to the [national] stadium and there are shootings on the road?"

Further, a work colleague sent me the Newsweek article written December 20, 1990 on George Bush Sr's campaign to go to war with Iraq. The front cover reads or rather urges unconvincingly, "This Will Not Be Another Vietnam- A Plan for All Out War." Dig out the archived magazines and you will see how history repeats itself.

Bush Jr.'s Thinking: Hmm, now tell me again, who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks?? Oh, yea, I think his name was Osama Bin Laden...um, not Saddam Hussein. Totally two different countries. Totally two different names! Iraq vs Afghanistan. Oh oh, we can't find him. I'm tired of looking (for two months). Oh, brother...let's divert attention from that mess. Let's get easier bait. Let's go to war with Iraq...Maybe we can convince the people (they're stupid!), Hussein was responsible. And my dad really hated that guy after we partnered with him. Perfect plan...do we have a plan??! Ah, forget it. We'll just wing it and I'll look devisive. Ugh, there is controversy. Maybe I should have gotten a blow job instead. No, no, no. I believe in this quest; it's for the good of the people. For support, let's cut military salaries, insult the Navy and Vietnam Veterans, while we're at it. For Christ's sake (excuse me God, for I have sinned), let's shut down the press and get rid of the right to assembly. There can be NO disloyalty. Let's create false ads that have no bearing of dignified truth. Hell, let's bring down the house (pardon, me God, again). After all, Rome did not fall in a day…(did it? I don't know, since I don't even read the news…but, hey hey, I went YALE).


Wednesday, August 18, 2004

New Political Film Site

This is an interesting & fun site sent to me today by a friend. In the midst of being too serious about today's political circumstances, it is refreshing to enjoy simply poking fun at Bush in a sophomoric, juvenile, and silly way. Enjoy.- Johanna

Monday, August 16, 2004

F.B.I. Goes Knocking for Political Troublemakers

A scary and disconcerting article by The New York Times reported today...read on & be aware of censorship, facist-like restrictions on our right to assembly & free speech, and the foreshadowing of civil rights elimination...Here comes the McCarthy movement Part Deux 2004.- Johanna

F.B.I. Goes Knocking for Political Troublemakers
August 16, 2004
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 - The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been questioning political demonstrators across the country, and in rare cases even subpoenaing them, in an aggressive effort to forestall what officials say could be violent and disruptive protests at the Republican National Convention in New York.

F.B.I. officials are urging agents to canvass their communities for information about planned disruptions aimed at the convention and other coming political events, and they say they have developed a list of people who they think may have information about possible violence. They say the inquiries, which began last month before the Democratic convention in Boston, are focused solely on possible crimes, not on dissent, at major political events. But some people contacted by the F.B.I. say they are mystified by the bureau's interest and felt harassed by questions about their political plans. "The message I took from it," said Sarah Bardwell, 21, an intern at a Denver antiwar group who was visited by six investigators a few weeks ago, "was that they were trying to intimidate us into not going to any protests and to let us know that, 'hey, we're watching you.'"

The unusual initiative comes after the Justice Department, in a previously undisclosed legal opinion, gave its blessing to controversial tactics used last year by the F.B.I in urging local police departments to report suspicious activity at political and antiwar demonstrations to counterterrorism squads. The F.B.I. bulletins that relayed the request for help detailed tactics used by demonstrators - everything from violent resistance to Internet fund-raising and recruitment.

In an internal complaint, an F.B.I. employee charged that the bulletins improperly blurred the line between lawfully protected speech and illegal activity. But the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, in a five-page internal analysis obtained by The New York Times, disagreed. The office, which also made headlines in June in an opinion- since disavowed - that authorized the use of torture against terrorism suspects in some circumstances, said any First Amendment impact posed by the F.B.I.'s monitoring of the political protests was negligible and constitutional. The opinion said: "Given the limited nature of such public monitoring, any possible 'chilling' effect caused by the bulletins would be quite minimal and substantially outweighed by the public interest in maintaining safety and order during large-scale demonstrations."

Those same concerns are now central to the vigorous efforts by the F.B.I. to identify possible disruptions by anarchists, violent demonstrators and others at the Republican National Convention, which begins Aug. 30 and is expected to draw hundreds of thousands of protesters. In the last few weeks, beginning before the Democratic convention, F.B.I. counterterrorism agents and other federal and local officers have sought to interview dozens of people in at least six states, including past protesters and their friends and family members, about possible violence at the two conventions. In addition, three young men in Missouri said they were trailed by federal agents for several days and subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury last month, forcing them to cancel their trip to Boston to take part in a protest there that same day.

Interrogations have generally covered the same three questions, according to some of those questioned and their lawyers: were demonstrators planning violence or other disruptions, did they know anyone who was, and did they realize it was a crime to withhold such information. A handful of protesters at the Boston convention were arrested but there were no major disruptions. Concerns have risen for the Republican convention, however, because of antiwar demonstrations directed at President Bush and because of New York City's global prominence.
With the F.B.I. given more authority after the Sept. 11 attacks to monitor public events, the tensions over the convention protests, coupled with the Justice Department's own legal analysis of such monitoring, reflect the fine line between protecting national security in an age of terrorism and discouraging political expression. F.B.I. officials, mindful of the bureau's abuses in the1960's and 1970's monitoring political dissidents like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., say they are confident their agents have not crossed that line in the lead-up to the conventions. "The F.B.I. isn't in the business of chilling anyone's First Amendment rights," said Joe Parris, a bureau spokesman in Washington. "But criminal behavior isn't covered by the First Amendment. What we're concerned about are injuries to convention participants, injuries to citizens, injuries to police and first responders." F.B.I. officials would not say how many people had been interviewed in recent weeks, how they were identified or what spurred the bureau's interest.

They said the initiative was part of a broader, nationwide effort to follow any leads pointing to possible violence or illegal disruptions in connection with the political conventions, presidential debates or the November election, which come at a time of heightened concern about a possible terrorist attack. F.B.I. officials in Washington have urged field offices around the country in recent weeks to redouble their efforts to interview sources and gather information that might help to detect criminal plots. The only lead to emerge publicly resulted in a warning to authorities before the Boston convention that anarchists or other domestic groups might bomb news vans there. It is not clear whether there was an actual plot. The individuals visited in recent weeks "are people that we identified that could reasonably be expected to have knowledge of such plans and plots if they existed," Mr. Parris said. "We vetted down a list and went out and knocked on doors and had a laundry list of questions to ask about possible criminal behavior," he added. "No one was dragged from their homes and put under bright lights. The interviewees were free to talk to us or close the door in our faces."

But civil rights advocates argued that the visits amounted to harassment. They said they saw the interrogations as part of a pattern of increasingly aggressive tactics by federal investigators in combating domestic terrorism. In an episode in February in Iowa, federal prosecutors subpoenaed Drake University for records on the sponsor of a campus antiwar forum. The demand was dropped after a community outcry. Protest leaders and civil rights advocates who have monitored the recent interrogations said they believed at least 40 or 50 people, and perhaps many more, had been contacted by federal agents about demonstration plans and possible violence surrounding the conventions and other political events.

"This kind of pressure has a real chilling effect on perfectly legitimate political activity," said Mark Silverstein, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado, where two groups of political activists in Denver and a third in Fort Collins were visited by the F.B.I. "People are going to be afraid to go to a demonstration or even sign a petition if they justifiably believe that will result in your having an F.B.I. file opened on you." The issue is a particularly sensitive one in Denver, where the police agreed last year to restrictions on local intelligence-gathering operations after it was disclosed that the police had kept files on some 3,000 people and 200 groups involved in protests. But the inquiries have stirred opposition elsewhere as well."
In New York, federal agents recently questioned a man whose neighbor reported he had made threatening comments against the president. He and a lawyer, Jeffrey Fogel, agreed to talk to the Secret Service, denying the accusation and blaming it on a feud with the neighbor. But when agents started to question the man about his political affiliations and whether he planned to attend convention protests, "that's when I said no, no, no, we're not going to answer those kinds of questions," said Mr. Fogel, who is legal director for the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York.

In the case of the three young men subpoenaed in Missouri, Denise Lieberman, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union in St. Louis, which is representing them, said they scrapped plans to attend both the Boston and the New York conventions after they were questioned about possible violence.

The men are all in their early 20's, Ms. Lieberman said, but she would not identify them. All three have taken part in past protests over American foreign policy and in planning meetings for convention demonstrations. She said two of them were arrested before on misdemeanor charges for what she described as minor civil disobedience at protests. Prosecutors have now informed the men that they are targets of a domestic terrorism investigation, Ms. Lieberman said, but have not disclosed the basis for their suspicions. "They won't tell me," she said. Federal officials in St. Louis and Washington declined to comment on the case. Ms. Lieberman insisted that the men "didn't have any plans to participate in the violence, but what's so disturbing about all this is the pre-emptive nature - stopping them from participating in a protest before anything even happened."

The three men "were really shaken and frightened by all this," she said, "and they got the message loud and clear that if you make plans to go to a protest, you could be subject to arrest or a visit from the F.B.I.

Clinton on the Daily Show

Last week, a serious Bill Clinton went on the Daily Show to criticize the Republican's ad attack on John Kerry's military record... go to it today & watch the video clip.


I'm hoping he will push the envelope and shed light on the truth. His popularity is soaring. If he is willing to share with the world his disapproval of Republican's disparaging and negative antics, he may positively affect and influence voters. Why haven't we heard more from him earlier?? - Johanna

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Bashing Kerry's Medals Would Be Bad for Bush...

Last night, my boyfriend and I discussed the problem with Bush's political approach on bashing Kerry's Vietnam War medals. It poses a major problem for him, although he might not foresee it and/or admit he is backing these advertisements. No matter if he is or not, these disparaging commercials are indeed being attributed to Bush and Bush is not stopping their airplay. What Bush doesn't recognize is if he continues to play up the idea that the Purple Heart/ Bronze/Silver medals are fabricated, are of no worth, or were given falsely to Kerry, he is saying something deeper about the Navy. He is insinuating that Navy medals are worthless and have little meaning due to the fact that they are falsely and inappropriately awarded to soldiers.

He is inadvertently insulting the Navy. He is making the case against himself that much larger. People will then ask, "Why is he insulting the Navy? Does he have any respect for the military? Why doesn't he have any medals himself?" Bush certainly cannot claim that during Vietnam the military just handed anyone medals, for no substantiated reason. It is insulting all Vietnam war heroes. It begs the question if the military is corrupt, which will beg another question as to why he is spending billions and billions of dollars fighting an unwanted war. It will also beg the question as to what Bush was doing for thirty years while Kerry fought in the Vietnam War, thereafter fought against it postwar and then served as a Senator, flip flop or not. Lastly, it should beg the question on Bush's current military record. As Commander in Chief, he certainly cannot boast on the progess of the Iraq war and/ or the War on Terrorism in Afghanistan. He has had much criticism from around the world and within our nation for his preemptive actions. Presently, his military "leadership" has given way to criminal and corrupt activitiy within the military. Also, he is not winning any kudos for cutting military salaries.

I think it is noteworthy to say that Bush will severly harm his re-election if he continues to play up the idea that Kerry's medals were falsely awarded. Careful treading, you sociopath...

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Volunteering: Voter Registration

Today was my first day volunteering for the John Kerry campaign. KerryVillage.org & KerryMeetup.com called me two days ago to commit a few hours in Staten Island to register voters. It was an exhilarating experience, even though I was not directly involved with Kerry's campaign. I took no care if any one was a Democrat or Republican today. I served only one purpose: to educate people about our political system and to have them register to vote. I spoke with several Democrats, Republicans, Undecided, First-Time, and Disenchanted voters. I pushed aside my pride and actively pursued people. I spoke with them naturally to get an idea of where they were coming from. I also assisted the Kerry crew in setting up signs and the registration table.

My job was rewarding. Staten Islanders are known to be the most conservative New Yorkers. I was astonished that there is a large Hispanic population residing there. I spoke with a Mexican- American about his disillusionment for politics, especially for Bush's administration. I tried to convince him that his vote certainly counts and that there are politicians in society working for the American people...ALL people. After using my embarrassing and limited Spanish, he smiled, accepted my voter registration card, and filled it out. He commented, saying "Perhaps, you are right. You've made me believe." I gave him the traditional Spanish cheek-to-cheek goodbye and left to pursue another triumph.

And, it IS a triumph! I cannot express to you how powerful it is to help society; to be on the side of prosperity, hope, humanity, and nature. I hope you, too, will help America push past these awful four years. I hope you, too, will speak out in what you believe in. I hope you, too, will cultivate yourselves in political education. I hope you, too, will take action. ACTION- is walking the walk. I urge you to realize that even the smallest efforts result in big gains.- In peace, Johanna

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Another Intelligent Bush Comment:

The 1010 Wins, an AM 24 hours news radio station, reports another embarrassing Bush moment, directly from the AP newswire. Where is his ventriloquist??- :-) Johanna

Aug 5, 2:03 PM EDT
New 'Bushism' Born at Bill Signing

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush offered up a new entry for his catalog of "Bushisms" on Thursday, declaring that his administration will "never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people."

Bush misspoke as he delivered a speech at the signing ceremony for a $417 billion defense spending bill. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we," Bush said. "They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

No one in Bush's audience of military brass or Pentagon chiefs reacted. The president was working his way toward a larger point. "We must never stop thinking about how best to defend our country. We must always be forward-thinking," he said. White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Bush's misstatement "just shows even the most straightforward and plain-spoken people misspeak." "But the American people know this president speaks with clarity and conviction, and the terrorists know by his actions he means it," McClellan said.



© 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The Immigrant Issue: Is it so clear?

The Immigrant Issue: Is it so clear? & Review of the Film: Maria Full of Grace

I laid awake in bed last night for several hours, completely engrossed in thought about the movie, “Maria Full of Grace.” It was a fulfilling and chilling masterpiece, capturing third world mentality and the struggles of three Columbian girls smuggling drugs into the United States. Although not considered a documentary in the traditional sense, it could not hold a claim to fiction either. There was no melodrama, like in a conventional Hollywood script, but the audience was not spoon-fed an education like Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 911”. Maria, the main character, played by amateur actress Catalina Moreno, is thoroughly compelling as a stubborn and brave adolescent, with a stoic and precocious personality. Despite her family’s poverty and her unwanted pregnancy, she desperately wants a way out of her meager surroundings. She looks to America for a new life as a band-aid to life in Colombia. There, she can make a decent wage to send back to her family. In America, her baby can have opportunities she cannot have. Early in the narrative, Maria looks to the sky and climbs to the roof to be closer to her idealized freedom. In the meantime, she knows she must endanger her life, by participating in the drug trade. Each digested heroine pellet is her future, good or bad.

Her authentic performance and the raw narrative brought a frightening realization: I could have been her. I recently proclaimed to my boyfriend in Los Angeles that California’s immigration policy should be tighter and more restrictive. I found myself pontificating about something I knew little about. Yet, I was once an immigrant. Granted, I am far removed from the five year old that landed in Florida from Honduras. But I was an illegal alien until my citizen papers were accepted in 1989, leaving me an unabashed, but unaware pre-teen.

In my other blog entries, I’ve said America was founded on immigrants, or the so-called “melting-pot” principle. Let’s disregard that we massacred, raped and wiped out an entire race of indigenous people. Let’s disregard that Blacks were not considered African Americans then; they were cattle. Sure, we had a melting pot ideology. So, let me edit my statement. America was founded on the white man’s civilized melting pot: a heck of a lot of Irish, Danish, English, Dutch, Spaniards, Italians, Portuguese, and the occasional Jew (if the community could handle it). We, “true Americans,” as some of us consider ourselves, are suddenly having an “Us” versus “Them” mind-set. When did this come about? I believe it was after World War II. Let me get into this debate a little later, so I may not digress. “True Americans” is a contradiction, paradox and an irony. Beyond anthropology and sociology’s credo that humans do not own lands (no one and nothing does), I ask you and myself why it is that we’ve begun a political game of Us vs. Them? Also, why have we created a Patriot Act, which not only invades our privacy, but also limits immigration and the liberties many generations have partaken in? Have we returned to a Puritan society? Have we not advanced at all with human and societal growth?

I CAN believe it, because I too made a claim of “Us” versus “Them” (referring to Mexicans) not too long ago. I am ashamed, especially after watching a film, in which its essence and entirety captures the spirit of the American way and the passionate desire to be a part of this free and prosperous nation. I found myself looking out of Maria’s eyes with a wet wonderment and the bewilderment of newfound freedom. Immigration is not such a clear case, an ease in analysis. There is emotion tied to its disputable core, buried deep in the soil, because this nation has grown from such a history. And what a profound history is it! Can you imagine this entire nation being run by the white rich Christian Coalition? Can you imagine not ever having known a friend of color? Can you imagine little or no diversity? There are many countries like this in the world, where communism and/or dictatorship live. Please, friends, make sure you think hard about making this country less diverse and more uniform. Ironically, we are only homogenous when we are diverse, liberated and unique.

More thoughts later…Jo

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Interesting news I can quickly share...

I've got such great friends. So, I brag sometimes...so what!

Recently, a friend of mine gave me inside information regarding our "president" and other politicos. I must share this news, in brief, so it can reach you quickly and you can decipher what it means to you.

For one, President Bush is on anti-depressants. After storming off stage, when a reporters asked him about his relationship with Enron, many politicians have started wondering about Bush's mental well-being. Apparently, Bush has begun retreating and allowing only ardent loyalists to surround him. Check it these articles from Capitol Hill Blue: http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/printer_4921.shtml

Most people consider Matt Drudge, a political radio commentator, a crumudgeon for his outspoken and often outlandish coverage of political and social events. However, listeners might not know that Matt Drudge is himself gay and a Jewish Republican, despite that he bashes the Democratic left and gays continually on his website and on AM radio. Let's see the hypocrite exposed by this article below. He must really hate himself. I'm glad Bush's Christian Coalition is really loving his Jewish heritage. http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/04/07/edi04050.html

Bush's poor economic plan includes getting rid of the IRS. Yes, I am not sure you all understand what that means. No taxes! Yippee. Not exactly. Read the article below to find out what it will mean to you and the nation. http://www.gopusa.com/news/2004/august/0802_hastert_irs.shtml

Another fun "Bush" moment: (aka Bush's Straight Talk)

More to come...