Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Rudy Guilliani's RNC Speech & NYC Protests

Due to my birthday yesterday and NYC protests this weekend, I’ve been absent from my blog more than I like, but I am back in full force! Last night after a splendid evening, I almost up-chucked my entire meal while listening to Rudy Guilliani’s RNC speech over the radio. I was livid when he said, “We owe it to the September 11th families to re-elect George W. Bush.” How can he smugly say this without being struck by lightning? I sometimes wonder where God is. S/he must be smelling flowers in the Mid-West or bowling over the Caribbean. Otherwise, wouldn’t s/he be here to smack the mouths of these corrupt and blatant liars? Of course, I digress on a theoretical, theocratic & absurd question. Let’s stick with the reasons why I am so perturbed over Guilliani’s statement:

First, I have a hard time believing Guilliani would speak on the behalf of George Bush when Guilliani is not a right wing extremist like Bush. He believes in Equality, Gay Rights & Pro-Choice. For goodness sake, he’s the former mayor of New York City, the most progressive city in the world. Upon his association with such a curmudgeon, he has tainted his political background.

Secondly, it is a proven fact that Bush has cut the salaries of the military, police and firefighters throughout the nation. The families of these HEROES that knowingly went through the two scorching towers are infuriated with Bush & Mayor Bloomberg regarding the decrease in salaries and massive lay-offs. The New York Times reported a decrease of a few thousand patrolling police officers since 2001, which is reversing the cleanup efforts Guilliani began in the 1990s. Bush & Guilliani are directly insulting New Yorkers’ intelligence if they think they can cover up this fact during the convention.

Thirdly, many victims’ families are displeased with Bush’s wayward guidance, financial relief, management and exploitation of the September 11th tragedy. Many of these families, now with broken homes, were promised financial relief, but have NOT received any of the monies owed to them. In fact, Bush and his administration have stopped the disbursements of money to fight the war on Iraq. Eighty percent (80%) of these families are still going through financial hardship. They are now questioning why we are at war with Iraq, especially when it has been PROVEN THERE IS NO LINK TO TERRORISM OR BIN LADEN. Iraq doesn’t even have weapons of mass destruction. We started a pre-emptive war with Iraq to divert attention from the fact the Bush has ties with the Bin Laden family and that we hadn’t found him 6 months later. Economics (for oil) and former political frustrations (Bush Sr.’s war on Iraq years earlier) also propelled this armament to war. Many New Yorkers, victims or not, question now if Bush knew about the 9/11 possibility.

In the “September 9/11 Commission Report” (which is a very good & healthy read), it directly states that Bush & his administration were given direct verbal & written information about these attacks. If he is considered so decisive and proactive- WHY DIDN’T HE DO ANYTHING ABOUT THEM THEN?? And he still hasn’t to this date. The majority of our troops and money is for Iraq.


He’s still the dumb childlike “president” sitting in his dunce stool in the Florida classroom, not knowing what to do. Sure, Guilliani. Play off that he motivated our rescue workers and gave non-partisan America a great big hug. What an accomplishment! I firmly believe ANYONE could have done that. In life under tragic or joyful times, leaders are not built off what they say, but what they do. And…no one, with a decent heart full of integrity, would screw our troops, rescue workers & their families’ right from behind their backs. This is the action I see and have beared to watch for 4 years. He’s simply a scoundrel for taking away September 11th funding and starting a war that absolutely has no connection to Terrorism.

I took place in the largest protest in convention history. This past weekend, over 400,000 people marched through the streets of New York to Madison Square Garden to protest this government. We marched peacefully. We were dignified and justified. We were divided into many groups, but united under one cause. Doesn’t this say much? And trust me, there were some very disenchanted and pissed off September 11th families. I have friends whose husbands or siblings are NYPD police officers. They informed me that many of these men & women were unhappy to cover the convention due to the disrespect & reception they’ve received from Bush and his administration. It is no wonder why so many Republicans, including my boyfriend, are refugees from their political parties and are now fighting on the side of justice and truth through the Democratic platform. I am annoyed that Guilliani, after his progressive policies, would campaign for a criminal and reckless (I hate to call him a man or even human)…subspecies.

I can only say one thing to Guilliani: You have lost my respect and your service to New York is forever tainted by your association with this loser. And he will lose…- Seeking truth & justice, Johanna