Saturday, August 14, 2004

Bashing Kerry's Medals Would Be Bad for Bush...

Last night, my boyfriend and I discussed the problem with Bush's political approach on bashing Kerry's Vietnam War medals. It poses a major problem for him, although he might not foresee it and/or admit he is backing these advertisements. No matter if he is or not, these disparaging commercials are indeed being attributed to Bush and Bush is not stopping their airplay. What Bush doesn't recognize is if he continues to play up the idea that the Purple Heart/ Bronze/Silver medals are fabricated, are of no worth, or were given falsely to Kerry, he is saying something deeper about the Navy. He is insinuating that Navy medals are worthless and have little meaning due to the fact that they are falsely and inappropriately awarded to soldiers.

He is inadvertently insulting the Navy. He is making the case against himself that much larger. People will then ask, "Why is he insulting the Navy? Does he have any respect for the military? Why doesn't he have any medals himself?" Bush certainly cannot claim that during Vietnam the military just handed anyone medals, for no substantiated reason. It is insulting all Vietnam war heroes. It begs the question if the military is corrupt, which will beg another question as to why he is spending billions and billions of dollars fighting an unwanted war. It will also beg the question as to what Bush was doing for thirty years while Kerry fought in the Vietnam War, thereafter fought against it postwar and then served as a Senator, flip flop or not. Lastly, it should beg the question on Bush's current military record. As Commander in Chief, he certainly cannot boast on the progess of the Iraq war and/ or the War on Terrorism in Afghanistan. He has had much criticism from around the world and within our nation for his preemptive actions. Presently, his military "leadership" has given way to criminal and corrupt activitiy within the military. Also, he is not winning any kudos for cutting military salaries.

I think it is noteworthy to say that Bush will severly harm his re-election if he continues to play up the idea that Kerry's medals were falsely awarded. Careful treading, you sociopath...