Sunday, August 29, 2010

Birthday: The Year of the Treadmill...theme for upcoming year?

It's the night before my "birth" day, and I am pensive. Thus, I send this random rambling note to the void because well, because I can... I am that fortunate that I can...

It's easy to be born, relatively speaking. Much harder to live. This year, the number is 33. Oddly, I still look from out of my solid dark brown eyes and envision that number to be large. For instance, who wants 33 candles on their cake?? That would be obscene; most likely a fire hazard! Instead of keeping that fire extinguisher handy, you internally accept the quip that "age is not a number." Ironically, most women lie about their age and most men don't act like theirs. (I heard that once and I laughed out loud). So often I am mistaken for 22, 24. Is it the cherubic face, or the "youthful" (aka immature) mannerisms which causes everyone who meets me to outrightly debate my age? Apparently, I've been told I smile too much! At 33, should I immediately cease to show my pearly whites to match my appropriate age? Never! I try to revolt against such social standards.

Curiously, it's not the age that makes me sit soberly quiet in the dark. It's not even the location that perplexes me. I come from no general hospital; no mid-wife near the corner of the bed. It is that quote, "I exist therefore I am" that rings truest with me because one day (maybe not even tomorrow) I came into the world without a record, a pen or paper. No surgical equipment. No medical masks. I just purely came to life, like a puppet that banked on a wish. Unlike many of you, I don't hold those memories of childhood. Though, it's an awesome concept to me. I was suddenly 8 years old when I came to life.

Yet, I can't remember when I started the list. It must have been around 18 that I was truly organized about it. The list began as markers; a timeline of events, goals, a directional guide to where you want life to go. My friend once informed me of Harvard's success rates of the students that had a "life plan" versus the ones that didn't. The percentage of success (aka accomplishing goals and living happily) was near 80%.

To me birthdays are about living happily. It's the day not for celebration, per se, though I must admit I do enjoy that pagan ritual! It's about reflection; looking back; looking forward. It's a weigh of how happy your life is. If you had to "defend" your position in death, you could clearly say "I lived well to myself and to others. I did what I wanted. I lived fully in what I sought out for." This takes guts, cognizance and perpetual drive. When you lack the courage or clarity or when you find you have stopped...there's death. There will birthdays be no more!

Hence tonight, I reviewed my 2009 like some film critic assessing the plot A storyline. I call last year's film "The Year of The Treadmill." I had 15 goals written on my to-do list. Only 3 major goals were accomplished. Previous years, the outcome was quite different; with either all the goals 95%-100% finished. At first I sat mystified like Einstein hovering over his mathematical formula, E=MC2. I was simply studying the cinematic highlights of my 2009 day-to-day life like on a reel. Then it occurred to me that several people in my life were on treadmills too. Was it something universal, like a quantum energy; an unconscious collective that many people went through??

What exactly is "The Year of the Treadmill," really? It is the year you run in place, or you run through a labyrinth maze only to return to the same place as you started. For example, three friends made journeys from NYC to LA only to return to NYC to live out exactly the same life as they had before. Another two friends created similar plot lines; difference being Vegas and Miami. As for me, I returned to exactly the same point as last year too, though the details I won't provide. I'm finding through various conversations that 2009 was a dream for most people, as if the year actually did not pass. A soul searching year. In other words, a year of not rapid advancement forward, but instead returning to the same destination as you started from.

There's merit to running in place. Let me think...Good stamina. Comfort in familiarity, perhaps. However, my previous years included 2007's "Westbound," 2008's "Project Network." It's not about the labeling. It's about the journey. I'm neither mad or sad that I walked through the labyrinth or ran on a treadmill. 2009-2010 was what it was. A year that I stood still. 2001-2002 was a very similar year. Certain events like September 11th changed the course of that year. That birthday reflection feels very similar to the thoughts I am having now.

What will 2010-2011 offer from August 30th to August 30th? I dunno yet. But what I do know is the list has been defined. Clarity began. Courage is re-boosted. I've got my gear in drive. There may be no cure for the common birthday, as the astronaut John Glenn once said, but once tomorrow passes, I believe I have a remedy:

I wish all you friends with birthdays today, tomorrow or next remember-- "It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years."-- Abraham Lincoln. A traditional birth or an immaculate conception, it's a day to recollect all you were, are and strive to be. Wishing the happiest day to you...with love.


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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Long time no update...but today is the day...

Hey folks,

A quickie...

Perhaps you may remember when I used to post all my political thoughts, rants, movie and travel reviews? Though I cannot promise I will continue with such commitment and zest to blogging as I had between 2002-2006, I will certainly try to get on here more often.

I live in Los Angeles now, having moved here from NYC in late 2007. It's been a hell of a ride, but I'd rather it be interesting than dull. Hard work, adventure and learning is simply part of my daily life, and I still like it that way. :) Hence, the required re-building of my career...and now the re-structuring of it. Being a director of reality TV has it's perks and appeal, but it's my current desire to transition into on-camera work as a TV host and write fictional scripts that move me more into the sitcom/long form drama producing world. A mouthful...and a workload to say the least. Fortunately, I've pushed and made some strides into both. More detailed updates can be found on the weblinks below...

Personally? I've had some adventures in this department too. Last year, I had the opportunity to love big. And, love big I did. What's the saying "it's better to lose love than never to have loved at all." I learned that the hard way. In retrospect, I only understand that staying principled in your own instincts (not those of others), owning your own story and life, and truly forgiving are growth worth experiencing despite the pain involved in perhaps re-learning these lessons. What I don't regret is that I gave it my all. Vulnerability, connectedness and fun. Well, there is always more fun to be had. Life's toils often trespasses on that category sometimes. It's up to us to constantly strive for it internally and externally with others. Though I still miss that all-encompassing amore, I'm content to being free as I explore other facets of my life. Who says we have to have it all figured out? I think it's ludicrous that we think we ever do.

Oh yea before I forget, I have two adorable cats now. They are precious, zany and full of personality. It's wonderful to have two extra beating hearts in my living room. Perhaps it is I that loves nurturing them...or it is them that nurtures me. Either way you shake the 8 ball, the "outlook is good."

Til the next time, wishing you bloggerphytes well.


PS. For detailed following, feel free to stay updated via these websites below. Thanks in advance for visiting! xox