Unheard Sentences
UNHEARD SENTENCESA poem by Johanna Vanderspool
April 11, 2012
Positioned across from you
Like a player ready for the game.
The unheard sentences,
Which ranged of deep affection and stale anger,
Never reached me as they never reached you;
Those unheard sentences, as if unsaid.
My eyes held you steady
Trying to send you codes
Of lingering love, undefeated.
My mouth in protest.
Drinking rum to cope,
To forget the losses; battles lost and won in history.
Dining under candle light in a cosmopolitan charcuterie,
we revisit and revise time;
As two very different strategists.
Truth is but a stranger to counterfeit friends.
Though we toy with it like two cats and a string;
Eager to pounce, or to purr.
Decadent meat lends me your lips; biting.
In truce, I give you my hips; biding.
Any unheard sentences are a New Deal;
Packaged into an enduring lust.
Your sturdy hands lead me to familiar bodies rolling on sheets.
Your words say, I want you.
My reply is, you want me.
Yet, we are in too different rooms
Having opposing ambitions;
Romancing a routinely addiction.
Time allots us only surface in destined distant fate.
We feel, taste, look like mates
That once had souls for each other.
Contrary, we are a man and woman disguised
Saying unheard sentences of now hidden sentiments.