Sunday, October 03, 2010

Inner werewolf

It's 1:41AM in Los Angeles. My mind woke at the stroke of midnight, but there's no full moon out tonight. I howl internally. No antidote yet to remedy my thirst, cravings, internal hunger...My thirst for what you ask? I elusively stare back at you. You are the enemy no matter what you do; sitting leisurely like my prey. My only comment is to warn you my inner werewolf is alert and he has quite a nasty bite. You rise and leave like an intelligent person. I rejoice quietly as I have saved another soul.

My quarantine is this large box. They call it a roof, a door, walls. It is my prison. Caged by my own demise, my own hand, my own paw. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock is the only sound I hear with these acute ears. My eyes narrow over the screen as my nails and fingers extend to type this message. I have the pills. I could give myself the deepest of sleeps, like a pup over an examining table. Not yet. Maybe as the tick tock roars over me like fire. Maybe then I will find a corner to rest. But right now, I pace. Pace...

If only the wolf was out during the day. What a hunt that would be! Who would I track down? Who would I ravish? Who might join the pack? Perhaps I could hide the fangs with a dental cleaning, shiny and pearly white with Crest? I could be secretly ravenous with a disguise that is human, female. A straight up bitch; hounding for what she wants. At least the beast gets her way. It is not in the slightest submissive, compliant or domesticated. It is fierce, authoritative and free. Free to roam. To discover. Like a creature destined to the dark, I keep it tempered. Prodding with a stick. I abate it. For now.

Sir Time reads 2:00AM. The inner werewolf treads old ground, over and over again. Like a path weathered and now winds like a road. When will this latent creature be efficient, effective, released; to upset the predestined dirt? Perhaps I will allow it to see the morning light once again. A sweet tempting gesture. A kind maneuver to temper. Like an appetizer before the main course. The werewolf will gasp eager to be fed more, but day will come shortly. It's grasp will retract soon enough...
