Growing Confidence that Kerry will Win the Presidency
Growing Confidence that Kerry will Win the Presidency
Last night’s one hour acceptance speech was illuminating and delivered powerfully by John Kerry, our next President of the United States of America. I add the emphasis of “United” because it is part of our country’s name, yet many people seem to forget that we are a melting pot. We are all immigrants to this land. If you know my story, you will know that I am. I am proud to be an American. BUT, I AM A PASSIONATE PATRIOT WHEN I SAY, “THIS IS NOT THE AMERICA I WANT TO BE A PART OF, WHEN WE CAN DO BETTER.”
Kerry related this message exactly. His voice was strong and resonated throughout the convention. He expressed hope for a better America, a stronger America and a resilient America. He avoided squabbles and elevated his ideas through a message of positivity. He was civil but tough. He made a connection with audiences, because he let himself be real and natural. His mannerisms were free of his intellect. He defended his outstanding record in Vietnam, but he also defended his “complex thinking,” indicating he’d rather be a careful and thoughtful thinker than a simple-minded man who talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk. He directly used Bush’s past convention speech and highlighted what Bush hasn’t done, such as bring honesty and integrity to the American people. Kerry stated that he will restore TRUST and CREDIBILTY to Americans. He used Reagan’s powerful quote “we have the power to change the world,” but indicated it can’t be done with a president that doesn’t uphold the constitution. He reiterated several times that we have a responsibility for a better America and it starts with a different choice.
What differentiates Kerry from Bush, in my mind, is that- yes, of course, he’s smarter, has true experience, and can be trusted to lead this country in the ideals we have founded- is that he has clear agendas. He exposed his list and ways he would go about to the change America, to restore our economics, to fight terrorism, and reform our governmental branches. Let me paraphrase what he said:
On Economics:
1. He will not outsource jobs to other countries, especially when we have conflicts of interests to those countries, ie. borrowed debt. He will continue to trade but at no cost to American jobs. He values exports of products not jobs.
2. He will revitalize and give incentive to manufactures to keep jobs at home.
3. He will build and invest in new job opportunities through the research and advancement of technologies. We will lead in the quest to find alternative energy sources and support scientific innovation. He stated remarkably that there will be “no soldier held hostage in a war for Middle East oil.” He reminded us of our past innovations, such as the plane and landing on the moon. He urged us to use our ingenuity.
4. He will return fiscal responsibility to the White House. He will eliminate the deficit in four (4) years. He stated like every family budgeting, we will “pay as you go.”
5. He will NOT increase taxes to the middle classes, but he WILL increase taxes to the rich, ie. people who make more than $200,000 annually. These taxes will fund healthcare, headstart programs for criminals, education for children and young adults, and reform on welfare issues. He will give tax credits to families who send their children to college. And he will fight greed in the healthcare system, reduce costs to prescription drugs, and decrease premiums.
6. He will reduce taxes for small businesses, so that they may have the opportunity to excel. He will eliminate corporate welfare and the tax loopholes that reward companies that send jobs overseas.
7. He will restore alliances in the world, so we are not entirely burdened with the debt of war.
On the War on Terror:
1. He will create a plan to establish peace in Iraq. He will never put American children in harm’s way through manipulation of the truth. He stated eloquently, “we will not go to war because we want to; we will go to war because we have to.”
2. He will fight the true terrorists. He will return to Afghanistan and fight Al Queda at the core.
3. He will restore the strong alliances we’ve established since World War II, and improve our relationships with diplomacy not belligerence. He will re-erect our reputation and standing as a global superpower, but also of an intelligent and constitutional country.
4. He stated we will NOT have a preemptive measure or a unilateral approach to fight terrorism. He will re-establish connections with nations and work with them to implant measures against the rise and coddling of terrorists.
5. He will take every recommendation and measure set in the 911 Commission report.
6. He will take a domestic approach in fighting terrorism in our streets, borders and trade. He stated he will ensure every package overseas is inspected and passed through legitimately. He expressed his outraged of Bush’s approval to cut fire fighter, policemen and army wages. He warned terrorists firmly when he said, “you will lose and we will win."
In the most powerful moment of his speech, Kerry quoted Abraham Lincoln, in saying “I don’t want to claim that God is on our side…I want to pray humbly that we are on God’s side.” He re-affirmed that values are “not words. They’re what we live by. They’re about the causes we champion and the people we fight for.” He directly challenged Bush and his administration to not play with values, because John Kerry also respects religion and faith. He rebutted by indicating faith is not all you can hold to, but that a president should also be guided by principle.
Not once during his hour long speech did I falter or gaze to the floor. He was unusually passionate and vibrant. He was magnetic. He spoke clearly to the best interest of all Americans, of all faiths, of all sexes, of all races. He reminded us that it is not the ideology of “us versus them.” We are one people and we have a responsibility to be the best we can be.
This speech and the preceding others, particularly from his daughters, elevated John Kerry has a president and leader, but also a man. I will be proud to call him my president. After all, the president works for each of us, not himself. He has proven that he is willing to sacrifice himself for the betterment of others, from his daughter’s drowning gerbil to his wounded soldiers in Vietnam. I have NO DOUBT that he will return America to the idealism it was founded on in 1776.
In peace & with principles, Johanna