Thursday, October 28, 2004

Flyer for John Kerry

Created by my friend Marissa, another Kerry activist. This is one of her flyers...well done, thank you.-Johanna

Before you go to that next tourist attraction:

Why is it that the people of New York City, the people who suffered the most on September 11th, and who remain the prime target for another al-Qaeda attack, why are New Yorkers so overwhelmingly opposed to George Bush’s re-election?

Why is it that the closer you get to Ground Zero, the fewer people you will find who are voting for George Bush?

It’s because, we, who live here; we, who each day have to go up into these tall office buildings to go to work; we, who still have nightmares of what we saw on September 11th; we, know George Bush has not made us safer.

George Bush claims to be standing against the terrorists. But in New York, we know the real facts. We watched George Bush come to our city to exploit the tragedy we suffered on 9/11. And we know that despite what George Bush claims, he is not making us safer.

George Bush is not making us safer when:

  • Three years after September 11th, Osama bin-Laden is still at large. Three years after September 11th, Osama bin-Laden is still at large. Instead of remaining focused on bringing to justice those who murdered our friends and neighbors, George Bush has bogged down our brave Armed Forces in the disastrous distraction in Iraq.
  • George Bush put over 140,000 U.S. troops into Iraq and in 10 months we found Saddam Hussein. But George Bush put only 20,000 U.S. troops into Afghanistan even though it was Osama bin-Laden who attacked our country. He ignored the advice of his military commanders who asked for more troops to hunt bin-Laden. Instead, he let Donald Rumsfeld run the war and Osama bin-Laden escaped - free to continue plotting against us.
  • George Bush opposed the creation of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission. He stalled as long as he could, wasting precious time, while Osama bin-Laden and al-Qaeda planned and carried out terrorist attacks around the world, in Bali, Spain, etc.
  • George Bush said Osama bin-Laden would be caught “Dead or Alive”. Because he sent our army into Iraq, Osama bin-Laden has been free to spend the past three years planning yet another attack. Al-Qaeda operatives were even in our city earlier this year, updating surveillance on planned targets, targets that we in New York City have to go to work in every day.
  • George Bush blocked the creation of the Homeland Security department. Only when he could no longer stand in the way, he shamelessly flip-flopped and allowed the department to be created. Then he tried to claim the idea as his own.
  • George Bush refused to allow his National Security Advisor to testify.
    When the 9/11 Commission proceedings were underway, George Bush blocked the testimony of his National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice. Only under pressure from outraged family member of victims of 9/11, did he allow her to testify.
  • George Bush refused to testify before the 9/11 Commission. He insisted that he be allowed to have Dick Cheney with him before he would talk to the 9/11 Commission. Only under additional pressure from outraged family members of 9/11 victims did he give in and testify.
  • George Bush has not secured our borders. George Bush has not funded our Homeland Security needs to protect our borders. Only 6% of the cargo coming through America’s ports is inspected. And incredibly, cargo that goes into the holds of passenger aircraft is still not being screened for explosives.
  • George Bush allowed Congress to play politics with Homeland Security. George Bush has allowed the Congress to play to worst kind of pork-barrel politics with the Homeland Security budget. Even though al-Qaeda has said they want to attack New York City again, New York only gets $5 in Homeland Security funds for each person living in New York, while people in Dick Cheney’s home state of Wyoming get $25.
  • New York City has 6000 fewer cops to protect us from another terrorist attack. That’s 6000 fewer cops than New York had on September 11th because George Bush cut funding for the federal COPS program, that put more police on America’s streets.

George Bush came to our beloved city to exploit 9/11, but our tragedy should not be his photo opportunity. America stood with New York City after the 9/11 attacks, and we will never forget all the love, prayers and volunteers you sent to help us. We had police and firefighters from every state come here to help, and we will always love you for all you did during our darkest hour.

After September 11th there were no Republicans, there were no Democrats, there were only Americans.

But today we see our nation being torn apart, that unity shattered by George Bush, just so he can win an election. Despite all his talk, George Bush has neglected the real war on terror. George Bush’s adventure in Iraq has diverted us from going after our real enemy, Osama bin-Laden and al-Qaeda. George Bush has abandoned the people of New York City just as he has abandoned the hunt for Osama bin-Laden.

George Bush says he is making us safer, but don’t be fooled. George Bush is not making us safer in New York City. George Bush has not protected us from our real enemies.

Take it from real New Yorkers: George Bush is not making us safer.