Thursday, October 14, 2004

Kerry Kicked Ass in 3rd & Final Debate!

Kerry released a healthy dose of whoop ass on to GW Bush last night. After 3 debates, President Kerry has a significant lead over Bush, with at 52 percent to 39 percent (CNN/USA Today/Gallup). In another online poll source directly after the debate, MSNBC's viewers, gave Kerry a whopping 81% lead over Bush's barely sustainable 19%. You might wonder why. The answer is: because "good" will always "win" over "evil." This is my Bushism for today...

The real reason (he won) is because John Kerry is thorough and detailed with his facts. Last night, he was wrong under one calculation, the number of uninsured. Yes, there are 45 million uninsured people in America. But, even after Kerry's health plan is implemented, there would still be a gap of 20 million uninsured people. Kerry's plan would only cover half of the uninsured people. What a way to be wrong~! At least he will do SOMETHING about it, instead of ignoring it. Domestic issues are equally, if not more, important than foreign problems. If the American people are ill at rest, will there not be more violence, dissent, chaos, crime, poverty, etc.? Common on, think it over.

On the dark side, Bush discredited himself with his incorrect figures & calculations. But the most interesting problem for Bush is what he said to John Kerry about Osama Bin Laden. Last night, Bush adamantly denied that he said he didn't care about Osama Bin Laden. However, in March 31, 2002, Bush did assert, at one of his rare press conferences, that he didn't know where Bin Laden was and he wasn't concerned about him either. !!! This was a victory march for John Kerry.

Beyond the dog fight, Kerry won simply because he had a clear vision and plan for the American people. He will roll back the tax cuts for the rich and increase their taxes. He will also halt the tax incentive to corporations who send jobs overseas. He is stopping this loophole to create a fair trade policy. This money collected will give us the money to balance our budget, begin healthcare & education reform, as well as, tighten our borders and increase security. Additionally, Kerry will produce jobs in manufacturing (i.e. technology, hybrid cars, electronics) and science (i.e. stem cell & new energy research) to re-energize our economy. He will increase minimum wage (which is long overdue) from $5.15 an hour to $7.00. These methods will help boost the economy and reform Social Security. These plans are detailed, thorough and no-brainers. If you have a hard time understanding them, go to

Don't be ignorant in thinking we can't take back America & make America stronger. Don't be an imbecile in thinking "more of the same" from Bush will keep America stronger & prosperous. He has NOT kept America safe, when he outrightly ignores true terrorists, like Osama Bin Laden, to go after his own interests in Iraq for oil. He's not keeping America safer to allow the #1 criminal to escape, so that he can recruit more terrorists, even inside our own country. He's not protecting our cities & borders when he's cutting back police jobs. He's not being a leader when he's broken strong alliances, created more enemies, and lied to the American people about why we went to war. There are no WMD's to his dismay. He is the first "president" in 75 years to lose jobs, not gain them. He's neglected his promises for Leave No Children Behind education plan, increased a surplus into a deficit, and has taken healthcare away from Americans. However, he has no problem decreasing taxes for the rich and giving special interest groups, like Halliburton, relief. This is no laughing matter. There is NOTHING HUMOROUS ABOUT GEORGE BUSH!

Didn't you see his coy smirk & his attempt for poor humor, when he should have been answering the questions & trying to "look" like a leader? Did you catch GW shouting, desperately trying to defend his shoddy record, like a whining spoiled boy? Yes, he was in true form: a fox in sheep's clothing. Watch out for Mr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde. Bush is hiding a lot... of Jeykll. And I am sure he will kill the American spirit.

Where is our relief? It is in John Kerry! John- carry the torch proudly. You deserve it...and may GOD bless John F. Kerry!

In peace & truth, -Johanna

PS. John Kerry is a card-carrying & proud Catholic. Take that, you hypocritical un-Christian-like Jesus Freaks!